New Creative Writing Class for 2025

The Saigon Writers Club Short Story Anthology for 2024 is in production. This means we will be launching a new set of classes for 2025. The One Act Play Scriptwriting class is halfway through its program. The plays are going to be fantastic.

In the month of March or April, we will be launching our 17th Saigon Writers Club class. This is our core class of teaching the creative writing art of writing a short story. This short story will then be published.

Curious? I hope so. Please take a look at the agenda here.

Creative Writing Class for 2025

“I have an idea for a book.”

The premise of the Saigon Writers Club is that everyone in the world has a story inside of them, and nearly everyone wants to tell their story. A second premise is that many people have difficulty in telling their story. Whether it is an idea for a book or a story that is within your soul, we want to help it see the light of day.

The writing coach program of the Saigon Writers Club is designed to turn “an idea” for a book into an actual book.  There 10 steps to the program. The basic idea is to pull out, pry open, and clarify the details of the book that is smoldering inside a future writer. The next step is to encourage, cajole, give birth to, and then edit-to-the-bejeezus a final manuscript. While no promises can be made since it’s ultimately up to the writer, this program will not cease until a published book is in the writer’s hand. Then and only then can a person say, “I had an idea for a book, and now here it is.” 

Check out the writing coach program details here.

Writing Coach Program

Saigon Writers Club

Partnership Program

Beginning in August 2023, the Saigon Writers Club will build partnerships with universities, international high schools, English training centers, education consultants, and other organizations who are active in the education space.  These are organizations who have a student network from which there are likely students who are interested in and can benefit from the study of creative writing. In addition, they will benefit from having a work of creative writing published. This will help students stand out in competition for scholarships and admissions to high-end universities. This is an out-sourcing opportunity for organizations to offer their students a creative writing option for their education journey.

Saigon Writers Club Partnership Program Curriculum

Saigon Writers Club

One-to-One and Small Group Classes

For individuals and small groups, there is an option for you to study creative writing. Over a time frame of six weeks, there will be six classes of 1.5 to two hours in duration per class (one class per week). There will also be two private consultations with the instructor (30 to 45 minutes for each session).  The first private session will be arranged when the student has written around 3,000 words of his/her short story. The second private session will be arranged when the student has written at least 5,000 words and has a good sense of how to end the story. The private sessions are intended to help the student finish their short story so it can be ready for publication in the anthology by the deadline.

Saigon Writers Club One-to-One and Small Group Private Classes

A Distinguished Club for Writers Who Write

The premise and vision of the Saigon Writers Club is that everyone in the world has a story inside of them and nearly everyone wants to tell that story to the world. However, not everyone can do this easily.

This is what the Saigon Writers Club is all about. We have created a 10-session creative writing class to help people create, develop, and write down their stories. We then publish their story in our short story anthology. This is your chance to become a published author.

Learn more about our story.

Saigon Writers Club Newsletter

Click on the link to read previous newsletters.

Rainy Season 2023 Classes

AI Lecture Event

Classes for Du Ho Students

Flash Fiction Competition

Flash Fiction Workshop


  • The Club is open to everyone of any nationality or age.

  • The lectures, course work, and all the course materials are in English.

  • There is no IELTS or test/score requirement. The only requirement is an ability to understand English well enough to take part in the lectures, activities, and class discussions.

  • Every student is encouraged to write in the language which best suits them to tell their story.

    However, the final stories that will be published in the anthologies must be in English.

  • The Club offers both in-person and online options. Please check the schedule of classes to find the option that works the best for you and your work/study schedule.

  • The 10-session class is designed for students to complete a modern short story. This is generally a story from 5,000 to 10,000 words in length and can be read in a single sitting.

    However, students can also write flash fiction stories which are much shorter. Check out the tutorial section of this website for more information on the modern short story.

  • Sam Korsmoe is the founder and lead instructor for the Saigon Writers Club. He is an American writer who has published two books and is nearing publication of a third book on the future of Vietnam. He has taught creative writing to adults and youth and has accumulated 10,000 hours of writing practice.

  • Please refer to the schedule section for class offerings for the July to December 2023 time frame.