10-Session Creative Writing Program
Goal: Completion of a short story for publication
Class Structure: 90-minute sessions
30 minutes - Lecture on writing topic (e.g. character, dialogue, setting, etc…)
30 minutes - Activity to practice the lecture topic (e.g. develop a character, writing a setting, etc…)
30 minutes - Discussion about assigned short stories and progress on personal short story with classmate and full class
Lecture Topic Activity Discussion
Session One: Short Story Structure & Getting Started Brainstorm story ideas Share your story idea
Session Two: Character Development Building characters Introduce your characters
Session Three: Plot Models & the Short Story Arc Designing your plot Explain your plot
Session Four: Character Portrayal Digging deeper on characters Show your characters
Session Five: Setting, Time, Mood, & Place Create your setting & mood Describe your setting
Session Six: Point of View & Narration Test different points of view Defend your point of view
Session Seven: Voice, Sentence Structure, & Word Choice Define your voice & style Practice your voice
Session Eight: Dialogue & Scene Development Write dialogues Test dialogue with classmate
Session Nine: Beginnings (hooks/leads) & Endings (close) Write a hook and a close Present hooks and closes
Session 10: Final Edits & Publishing Practice editing Discuss edit decisions
Assigned Short Story Reading
Each week the students will be assigned and be expected to read a short story written by one of the master fiction writers. Each short story will be relevant to that week’s lecture topic and class activity. The class will discuss this story the following week during the class discussion session. Some of the stories to be assigned will include the following though others might be added:
The Short Happy Life of Francis McCumber by Ernest Hemingway
The Ransom of Red Chief by O’Henry
To Build A Fire by Jack London
The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe
Broke Back Mountain by Annie Proulx
Good Scent from a Strange Mountain by Robert Olen Butler
The Killers by Ernest Hemingway
Fetching Raymond by John Grisham