Sam Korsmoe is an American writer who lives and works in Ho Chi Minh City. He was a journalist for several years and has taught creative writing to adults and youth for more than 10 years. He is the program director and teacher for the Personal Statement Essay Writing Program of the Saigon Writers Club.
Sam has accumulated more than 10,000 hours of writing practice and has written and published three books, an oral history of five Vietnamese families (Saigon Stories – 2004), a nonfiction book on running (A World Gone Mad for Marathons – 2018), and a book about the future of Vietnam in English (Vietnam – Asia’s Rising Star – 2023) and Vietnamese (Việt Nam – Ngôi sao đang lên của Châu Á – 2024). Sam has taught 11 creative writing classes for the Saigon Writers Club which has resulted in the editing and publishing of four short story anthologies.
For the past few years, he has been an essay counselor for students who are applying to competitive universities abroad. This has included 650-word PSEs as well as an extensive range of short answer essays for supplemental questions as well as scholarship applications. In the most recent university application cycle (2023-2024), two of Sam’s students were accepted into Ivy League universities in the USA.
His track record of just the past two years speaks for itself.